Saturday, October 30, 2004

Modern Psalm 19

Power with grace
Mercy with Justice
a fine mixture
blessed and holy
forgiving and perfect
my Love
I lift my hands into the mystery
I see the Face of forever
close the day Lord with assure sky
ring the dawn
fair and renewed
draw me in, beloved captain
grace the earth stage with the dew.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Modern Psalm 18

Your peace,
grants earth, ocean, grass rest at close of day
and causes creatures great and small
to find shelter and center
the breeze
the glimmering lights of the stratosphere
even the mystery of a kiss
brings the promise of unseen desire
(I love you)
Even the air drawn fast
and deep
within my lungs
reminds me of the invitation to sleep
yes- (though now it will be the same as yesterday)
someday I will see You
and there will be time
to marvel at the grace of wrens and black birds
to know the song of each lonesome sparrow.
to partake in the dance of night and shalom.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Modern Psalm 17

the trust of fortunes and fury
the trust of riches and comfort
the trust of tomorrow
even the trust of slumber
leads only to the door of vanity
trust (tall and valiant)
is born anew
only in You.
Open wide the true and perfect Door
that leads into the chamber of holy rest and light
Give sight meaning and music true glory
in the avenue of Your Kingdom
I want to feel the sling of David in worship
I long to join the dance of prophets.
Yes, Lord- bring me in.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Modern Psalm 16

above the swirling winds of treachery
He glides.
He watches
No whisper escapes his ear.
No darkenss hides a secret
He (author of grace)
Is (and ever more shall be)
King (of Kings)
and Lord (of lords)

Angels bow
The destiny of every soul will follow.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Modern Psalm 15

I wonder why
In the desperate dark hours
In the slums of Bagdad
In charmed streets of suburb americana
In rape rooms of Darfur
In the blessed plains of Oklahoma
In the dreary dying rooms of frail forgotten elders
In the tributaries of the Amazon
In the meth labs and crack houses
in the shining light of freed land
Lord God have mercy on the broken and oblivious

Monday, October 25, 2004

Modern Psalm 14

Tell me how You spanned infinity
and sang of love's eternity
Tell me how your hand bore clay
And formed a man by close of day.
Let my eyes behold the sky
That birthed the grace of morning dew
that taught the sparrow how to fly
to soar Your glory back to You.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Modern Psalm 13

O God
The Word
to me
yet I stand amond the broken pieces of my life.
The pain
the realization of my wickedness cries out
until you cover me.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Modern Psalm 12

I want to run
I want to shout
I want to hide
I want to give it all to You.
I want to turn the corner
to the holy place
where light streams
beyond the doubt of the second sunrise.
I want to know the power
the graceforce, blood soaked, tremor of the divine.
I want to reach beyond the flesh to the heart
to the very hands of the one who can pull me out
of the grey
to the gold of the bright harvest.
I want to dream
like I've never dreamed
and know You're there
I have this need and I will not let go
despite the pain and the fear of never coming out.
Because I'm drawn
I'm captured
by the One who brought me to this place.
Stuborn, I will stand until I see the face of my One God.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Modern Psalm 11

rambling moving creation
pale yet vicarious in nature
(and suprisingly so)
I see You in the glimpses of grace
from the breeze You kiss with midnight mist
You O Creator
Who can doubt the ever moving wonder?
that is the Word
that is mercy
Son of Man
(You are and ever will be)
I am arrested
by your everlasting mercy.
It is beyond and above my thoughts.
Bright and glorious warrior
I crown You King
Scars and wounds are the marks of
strange and glorious passion
For you made, redeemed and brought forth
the coming holy assumption of saints and vagabonds.
I will go down into that strange valley
That fair field of the undiscovered country
there You will meet me
(i believe)
because you are the life giver
the deliverer
the Champion of redemption
Let me seek and find
Let me run and shout
radically teach me the dance of david
and I will place my temple on the ground of worship
gripping dirt in shoeless worship.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Modern Psalm 10

Who is the one that measured the span of an infinite universe?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
Who is the one that took the dust of earth and fashioned man?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
Who is the One that spoke life into being?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
Wo is the one that spoke through mules, in flames, and on mountains?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
Who is the one that can bring the most powerful nations to nothing?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
Who is the one that causes shepherds to slay giants?
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!
He is beyond any thought, act, birth, death, fear, joy, song, doubt, or distance.
Jehovah, the Mighty One is He!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Modern Psalm 9

I praise Him
in the long distance journey
in the rush of the moment
You hold me when I am released and forsaken
You remind me when I have forgotten my new name.
You smile while others doubt
because You know the end of my story
You know the passage of dawn
With the grace of an eagle
You circle the sphere
You ride the wind of the high country.
You cause me to shout
You hem my torn spirit.
You restore my broken life.
With the breath of God you call me to Assumption.
I cast my eyes to the Alpha Omega House called grace.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Modern Psalm 8

Let the
death denying
soul surviving
grace abounding
love surrounding
Satan stopping
music swelling
freedom singing
hope reclaiming
blessing naming

Monday, October 18, 2004

Modern Psalm 7

Better now than in eternity
i ask, fearfully
search me O God.
I say test me.
Oh, Lord, I believe in You
Run your fingers through my willing darkness.
Burn away the idols craved on the walls of my soul.
I yearn for you to restore me into wholeness
transform my walk from shadows to light.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Modern Psalm 6

Lord, I beg for your presence.
I hide my face before Your holiness
Outside of your grace I am hopeless
Apart from your strength I am powerless
Without Your love, I am desperate.
Beyond Your thoughts I am oblivious.
yet inside Your dwelling I am comforted
beside Your word I am victorious
Lord, show me how to know You more.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Modern Psalm 5

Anguish is ever before me.
My heart is broken.
Soothe me, Father.
Rest, in You, O Lord is my food.
Grant me peace, in the presence of chaos.
Oh, Lord, my Lord
bring the oil of healing
and the baptism of your grace.
Were it not for You,
my life would bring a harvest of flesh
Instead you've planted seeds of glory.
Have mercy.
Let thy servant depart from the fields of desolation.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Modern Psalm 4

have mercy
cover these frail limbs
gravity laden
subject to the wild gusts of a barren land
Sing to me so I may be released from the tether of flesh
in lonely roads and reckless days
bring me to a resting places near the river glad
and the glorious Bethesda stirring
reach out to my brokeness and make me whole again.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Modern Psalm 3

you are the
all seeing
all encompassing
ever immutable
all reliable

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Modern Psalm 2

Why does evil rule?
Where can I find comfort?
I am attacked from all sides.
the outer war of hatred
the inner war of sin
O God, my Champion
sing the song of life
in this land of the hollow men.
I beg for transcendent senses.
Show me sound
and let me hear vision
I come as a child
fearful and weak
make me a man
filled with God-sized strength
to overcome the villians
of this fallen age.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Modern Psalm 1

my God
my redeemer
I run to You
there is no one else but you.
In my grief
You are Joy
In my pain
You are rest
In my dreams
You are my ever present reality
How could I turn away from Your grace
when I stand before You?
In perilous times You are my relentless Warrior
What a wonderous Friend.
I long for You today.
Sicken me to my sin
and give me divine desires.