Friday, October 22, 2004

Modern Psalm 11

rambling moving creation
pale yet vicarious in nature
(and suprisingly so)
I see You in the glimpses of grace
from the breeze You kiss with midnight mist
You O Creator
Who can doubt the ever moving wonder?
that is the Word
that is mercy
Son of Man
(You are and ever will be)
I am arrested
by your everlasting mercy.
It is beyond and above my thoughts.
Bright and glorious warrior
I crown You King
Scars and wounds are the marks of
strange and glorious passion
For you made, redeemed and brought forth
the coming holy assumption of saints and vagabonds.
I will go down into that strange valley
That fair field of the undiscovered country
there You will meet me
(i believe)
because you are the life giver
the deliverer
the Champion of redemption
Let me seek and find
Let me run and shout
radically teach me the dance of david
and I will place my temple on the ground of worship
gripping dirt in shoeless worship.


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